Desktop Enterprises

Advance Your Business with a Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation at Desktop Enterprises

Successful business owners and managers know that companies need to continuously evolve to stay competitive. This constant progress is the key to developing an effective business strategy, expanding profitability, and providing clients with relevant products and services.

But with new technologies and processes constantly available, how do you prevent your business from becoming stagnant, and worse, getting left behind? The answer is Digital Transformation.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation refers to using IT to modernize your current processes and practices, improving overall performance. With a Digital Transformation, your company will be able to integrate the latest technology into every area of the business, essentially changing how you operate and deliver your product. This can include the incorporation of Cloud Services, The Internet of Things, AI, mobile, social media, and smart embedded devices into traditional technologies.

This Digital Transformation won’t look the same to every company. But regardless of how it is implemented, at its core, it requires leaders who are always willing to learn how new technology can uniquely benefit the company. It’s a commitment to move forward, and always challenge the phrases, “We’ve always done it this way” or, “It’s worked for us in the past.”

Who Benefits from Digital Transformation

Technology impacts every industry, and IT advances have fundamentally changed how businesses operate. These changes will continue to come rapidly, only exponentially faster. Companies of all sizes that are ready to leverage the advancing technology are the ones who will outperform their competition.

Almost every company, in every industry, can benefit from improved digital capability. In a recent MIT Sloan review of 50 large companies, executives who are digitally transforming better keep pace with their competition. The more focus on digital activity, combined with strong leadership, the more success those companies have.

Why Should Companies Undergo a Digital Transformation?

Generally, Digital Transformation means a faster and easier experience for both your customers and employees. More importantly, it means that as a company you are better prepared for the unexpected, and can quickly adapt over your competition.

Covid-19 brought challenges to businesses that were unthinkable prior to 2020. Employers scrambled to get their workforce online from home, retailers had their online marketplaces overwhelmed, and supply chains ground to a standstill. Consumer behaviour changed almost overnight, according to IT leaders at the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium.

The companies that thrived in this new world were the ones that had already integrated the latest technology into their systems. They were ready for the unpredictable, and were in a position where they could benefit while their competition was left in the dust.

How Can My Company Digitally Transform?

With the right partnership, your company can Digitally Transform to ensure you are ready for whatever comes next. Desktop Enterprises will work with you to deliver a custom plan that will take your current spreadsheets and other ad hoc systems to fully integrated databases and automated systems. Contact us to learn more on how we can benefit your company.

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