the client

IMSM (International Management Systems Marketing) are leading ISO specialists. Delivering high quality ISO consultancy services and standards to organisations of all sizes, from all sectors, all over the world.

the problem

IMSM have call centres located around the world and they make appointments for their business managers to sell ISO certification to interested companies. They were manually making the appointments and sending to the business managers to incorporate in their own calendars and fulfil. This was a labour intensive process and the feedback cycle was almost non existent.

They needed something that would talk to their dialler and automatically create appointments. Business managers would fulfil the appointments and then feedback to the system for further followup.

With more than 150 business managers spanning more than 30 countires, they needed a diary system that could handle separate diaries for everyone and give management quick access to an individual diary or appointment.

They also needed to know about pipelines, how many appointments had been made and the percentage of appointments that came from the call centre.

the solution

Desktop Enterprises created an API to talk to the dialler. This allowed appointments to be automatically inserted into a business manager's diary.

A database was created to store the appointment data and prompt for followups until it reached its logical conclusion. Automated emails are sent to business managers, detailing any appointments that are in need of followup.

The front end for each business manager shows a dashboard, so they can immediately see their pipeline and focus on their more active leads.
Admin users can see all appointments for all business managers and quickly find an individual appointment. Admin also has a dashboard where they can see headline information about all appointments made and how they are doing as a percentage of the whole.

"now we have a lot more information to base decisions on..."


The automation of large, repetitive, manual tasks freed up a significant resourceds to focus on other parts of the business.

The process is better and because it is enforced by the system, the results always fit in quantifiable boxes.

The dashboard and reporting screens give vital management information to administrators on performance and conversion.